Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any pass or fail criteria?
No. The responses are graded from A to D.
What are the details on the grading system?
Grade A: >85%, Grade B: 75% – 85%, Grade C: 60% – 75%, Grade D: <60%.
What is the level of difficulty of the questions?
There is a mix of easy and more complex questions. This is what will differentiate the candidates on the scores. Candidates with many years of experience and having an interest for their profession will score well.
What is the connection between grading and the recommended job responsibilities?
Below are our guidelines for the scores on the competency assessment:
60% or less: Insufficient working knowledge – significant training and exposure required – entry level
60 – 75%: Large gaps in knowledge – can contribute under qualified supervision – trainee level
75 – 85%: Qualified to deliver simple tasks – engineer/night supervisor level
> 85%: Qualified to deliver and lead complex tasks – senior engineer/engineering supervisor/drilling supervisor level.
Will the scores automatically be shared with my manager?
No. The scores will as a minimum be shared with the email entered on the quiz. Protrust will share the score as per agreement made with each individual.
Can I re-take a quiz if the score was bad?
You will have only one attempt per quiz. If you had issues during the test beyond your control you can request to retake the quiz by contacting Protrust at
Can I practice before I take the real test?
This is possible with a fake email address but strongly discouraged. Any practice attempts will be logged and mentioned in the competency assessment report.
I am an expert on a specific theoretical subject but have not much operational experience. Will I score well?
Probably not, this test is not for you. The questions are spread across a wide area of subjects and most suited for engineers and supervisors within drilling, completions, fluids & cement, both in the office and on-site.
Is there any math involved?
No. A calculator is not required.
Can I use helping aids during the test?
This is not recommended as there is a time limit per quiz. Using literature and google will consume too much time and you will not be able to complete the quiz within the time limit. Unanswered questions will be regarded as a fail.
Are any questions deeply theoretical?
No. The questions are focused on knowledge that should have been acquired through experience. The more operations you have been exposed to, the better the score will be.
How are the questions developed?
The questions are developed by industry specialists. The aim during the development was to create questions that are non-ambiguous, not company-specific, with non-disputable answers.
Will I receive a competency profile if I complete only 1 or 2 quizzes?
No. The minimum number of quizzes to receive a competency profile is 6. If you completed less than 6 quizzes, then the report will not contain a competency profile but all other details about your responses.