When Technical
Competency Matters
Welcome to Protrust!
Technical competency is one of the key ingredients to ensure operational integrity and performance in well operations. People is the main asset in most Oil & Gas companies and having the right people assigned to critical positions is paramount to maintain and enhance the company’s assets and reputation.
Competency Assessment
Protrust was established to support Oil & Gas companies with technical competency assessment of their Drilling and Completions personnel. This is how we can support you:
Technical screening of applicants before hiring
Competency Assessment of existing staff for the purpose of identifying competency gaps, developing training programs and allocating the right people to critical positions
Competency Assessment to support promotions

Consultancy Services
Protrust can provide consultants and Subject Matter Experts to fill critical positions and provide expert advise, both for long and short term assignments.

Well Control Quizzes
Ready for your well control exam? Click the button below and test your well control skills!